Curriculum Intent
St Bernard’s High School has a three-year Key Stage 3 curriculum that meets the needs of all learners. It provides challenging and creative learning in the school, in the outdoor environment and in the local community and beyond. As well as providing a secure foundation for achievement in Key Stage 4, our curriculum equips learners with the skills that they will need to succeed in education, life and work. The main principles of our curriculum are outlined below:-
· The curriculum has the following characteristics: breadth, balance, relevance, differentiation, progression and continuity coherence.
· The curriculum promotes knowledge and understanding; mastery of intellectual, physical and interpersonal skills and personal qualities, values and attitudes.
· Equality of access for all students.
· The school provides appropriate tasks and teaching techniques to support high expectations and appropriate challenges.
· Parents are provided with curriculum information relevant to their child.
· The curriculum is subject to planned evaluation and review by senior staff, and the governors’ Teaching & Learning Committee.
· Provision is made within the school for all students with learning difficulties and disabilities.
· The curriculum includes strong representation from the arts, languages and technology areas of the curriculum, in order to develop all aspects of students’ skills, knowledge and understanding. Students study: Religious Education, English, Mathematics, Science, Technology, Computing, Modern Foreign Language, Geography, History, PE, Art, Music, Dance, and Drama.
A full tutorial programme is offered which focuses on the needs of young adults as they progress in their education, and helps them to develop the skills and knowledge they need to understand and participate in their local community. Students have regular tutorial time covering PSHE / RSE topics, as well as preparation for the next stages in their learning journey.
As a Catholic school, St Bernard’s wishes to assist young people in their journey of faith. We share with all our students the Catholic vision of life through a structured programme of Religious Education. The aim is to help students know and understand this tradition in a clear and more comprehensive way. The Religious Education programme of study supports and helps strengthen the ethos of the school, and the partnership between family, parish and school.
Many extracurricular activities are available, including the Bronze, Silver and Gold Duke of Edinburgh award, the Arts Leader award, clubs in Art, Dance, Drama, Music, Photography and Physical Education are available, as well as sports teams, homework support and revision classes. The library and computer rooms are available at lunchtimes, with study facilities also available before and after the school day.
The Key Stage 4 curriculum is a two-year programme, designed to ensure that all students receive a broad, balanced and relevant educational experience, which fits them for life-long learning in an ever-changing society. In addition, as a school with a Catholic ethos, we also believe that the spiritual and moral dimension of education is an essential part of personal growth and academic development.
Our Key Stage 4 Curriculum is broad so that pupils can experience a range of opportunities across the curriculum; balanced because it is unwise for pupils to narrow down their options before the age of 16; relevant to pupils’ individual needs and to the demands of a rapidly-changing world; and personalised so that the level and type of work are suited to the ability and learning style of each individual pupil.
In Key Stage 4, pupils have enhanced time for the core subjects of English and Mathematics. As a faith school, it is right that all pupils follow a GCSE RE course. The time allocated to PE for all students recognises the importance of health and fitness in our lives and all students have the opportunity to become confident in a foreign language.
Our curriculum offers flexibility and choice within a guided structure. In creating our offer, we are careful to listen to pupil demand and where possible we will add extra classes for popular subjects. Within this framework, which promotes the ‘English Baccalaureate’, pupils usually take ten GCSE qualifications: Religious Education, English Language, English Literature, Mathematics, Science (double award), a Modern Foreign Language and three options subjects. Further information is available under Curriculum, GCSE Options Choices: GCSE Option Choices - St Bernard's High School (
A full tutorial programme is offered which focuses on the needs of young adults as they progress in their education and helps them to develop the skills and knowledge they need to understand and participate in their local community. Students have half-termly drop-down days covering PSHE / RSE topics, as well as preparation for the next stages in their learning journey.
Many extracurricular activities are available, including the Bronze, Silver and Gold Duke of Edinburgh award, the Arts Leader award, clubs in Art, Dance, Drama, Music, Photography and Physical Education are available, as well as sports teams, homework support and revision classes. The library and computer rooms are available at lunchtimes, with study facilities also available before and after the school day.
Information on the Key Stage 5 curriculum is available under Sixth Form, Courses on Offer: Courses on Offer - St Bernard's High School (
Additional information is available from our Assistant Head Teacher in charge of curriculum, Miss March.