Mission & Ethos

Computers teach content, Teachers teach values

“You must not only teach content, but the values and customs of life. There are three things that you must pass on. A computer can teach content, but to understand how to love, to understand values and customs which create harmony in society, it takes a good teacher.” Pope Francis, ADDRESS OF HIS HOLINESS POPE FRANCIS TO MEMBERS OF THE ITALIAN UNION OF CATHOLIC SCHOOL TEACHERS, MANAGERS, EDUCATORS AND TRAINERS, 2015

Ours is a community where we continually work towards living out our Mission Statement, “Love one another as I have loved you,” in our school and in the parish communities to which we belong. This aspiration is supported by our strong and effective pastoral system, underpinned by Gospel values, which provides a strong base for students' academic and personal development. We are fortunate to enjoy a close, positive relationship with our families who support us in achieving these aims. The result is a very special ethos, with a combination of faith, focus and fun, as staff and students share in learning at St Bernard’s together.

We are ambitious for every young person who enters the doors of St Bernard’s. We aim to continue to drive the school towards outstanding so that our students fondly remember the broad, balanced, experiential education they received which prepared them for the demands of the 21st century both professionally and spiritually. Our challenging and relevant curriculum aims to provide our students with skills and knowledge that will sustain them long after they have left St Bernard’s. We believe that inspired by faith, a belief in the power of education and its ability to make a difference alongside a commitment to empowering our young people that our students will thrive!

Our strategic aims are laid out in our school development plan which is overseen by our Trustees (governing body) who are responsible for holding to account the headteacher and senior leaders to see this vision fulfilled.

St Bernard’s enjoys a committed and talented staff who share in this vision and know how vital it is for us to know the capabilities of all children and how we can best support them to meet and excel against challenging targets. Every child counts.